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Understanding How We Learn: The Experiential Approach


Learning is a lifelong process that never stops. As we go through life, we encounter various situations that require us to acquire new skills or knowledge. The Kolb Experiential Learning Cycle is a model that is useful in understanding how we learn in different situations.

It is based on the idea that learners go through a four-stage process in which they actively engage with their environment. These stages are concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation.

Concrete experience refers to the firsthand experience of an event or activity. It is where learners encounter something new and attempt to understand it. Reflective observation involves thinking about and reflecting on the experience to gain insight and understanding.

Abstract conceptualization is when learners analyze and synthesize the information to form concepts and theories. Finally, active experimentation is when learners apply what they have learned to a new situation or task.

By understanding these stages of the Kolb experiential learning cycle, we can design learning experiences that cater to different learning styles, abilities, and preferences. For example, someone who prefers hands-on activities may learn best through concrete experience, while someone who prefers analyzing and synthesizing information may respond better to abstract conceptualization.

The Kolb Experiential Learning Cycle is a valuable tool to understand how we learn and can help in designing effective learning experiences. By tailoring the learning experience to the learner’s style, we can ensure a more comprehensive and engaging learning experience for all.