Elderberries are one of the most often cited fruits for their health benefits. In fact, Hippocrates (famed for the Hippocratic oath and called the ‘father of medicine’) cited elderberries as his ‘medicine chest’ because of their versatility as a healing agent.
There are about 30 types of elder trees that have been identified throughout the world. The flowers and berries of the plant are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that help boost the immune system. They were also commonly used to treat inflammation, to protect the heart and as a stress reliever. Some experts also recommend it for cold and flu symptoms
Elderberry benefits can also help with the following:
• Constipation
• Joint or muscle pain
• Infections of the lungs; difficulty breathing
• HeadachesElderberries are one of the most often cited fruits for their health benefits. In fact, Hippocrates (famed for the Hippocratic oath and called the ‘father of medicine’) cited elderberries as his ‘medicine chest’ because of their versatility as a healing agent.
There are about 30 types of elder trees that have been identified throughout the world. The flowers and berries of the plant are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that help boost the immune system. They were also commonly used to treat inflammation, to protect the heart and as a stress reliever. Some experts also recommend it for cold and flu symptoms
Elderberry benefits can also help with the following:
• Constipation
• Joint or muscle pain
• Infections of the lungs; difficulty breathing
• HeadachesElderberries are one of the most often cited fruits for their health benefits. In fact, Hippocrates (famed for the Hippocratic oath and called the ‘father of medicine’) cited elderberries as his ‘medicine chest’ because of their versatility as a healing agent.
There are about 30 types of elder trees that have been identified throughout the world. The flowers and berries of the plant are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that help boost the immune system. They were also commonly used to treat inflammation, to protect the heart and as a stress reliever. Some experts also recommend it for cold and flu symptoms
Elderberry benefits can also help with the following:
• Constipation
• Joint or muscle pain
• Infections of the lungs; difficulty breathing
• Headaches
• Fever
• Kidney problems
• Epilepsy
• Skin rashes or inflammation
While the plant is regarded as a successful healing agent, medical science has found no conclusive evidence to back this and more research is needed.
• Fever
• Kidney problems
• Epilepsy
• Skin rashes or inflammation
While the plant is regarded as a successful healing agent, medical science has found no conclusive evidence to back this and more research is needed.
• Fever
• Kidney problems
• Epilepsy
• Skin rashes or inflammation
While the plant is regarded as a successful healing agent, medical science has found no conclusive evidence to back this and more research is needed.