Child Care

Discovering the Benefits of Child-led Learning in Calgary Daycare


Immersive play, child-led learning, and collaborative education are the foundations of high-quality Reggio Daycare programs in Calgary. It is an approach to childcare developed by Loris Malaguzzi in Reggio Emilia, Italy, that values creativity, curiosity, and self-expression.

The Reggio Emilia philosophy recognizes that every child has an innate ability to learn and create, making each one of them unique and deserving of personalized attention. This is why the Reggio Daycare Calgary experience fosters an environment where children are encouraged to pursue their interests, ask questions, respect others, and pursue their own learning goals.

At Reggio Daycare Calgary, there are no pre-set activities dominated by teachers. Instead, children are given the freedom to play and learn on their own or with others in environments that are both challenging and stimulating. Teachers observe and record each child’s progress to help them with their next learning objectives.

The Reggio Emilia philosophy believes that learning is a social experience, so children are given opportunities to interact with others to create relationships, collaborate on projects, and form a connection. These social interactions add to the learning experience and contribute to a child’s emotional and social growth.

Reggio Daycare Calgary is an excellent model of quality child care since it provides a conducive environment for children to play and learn. The Reggio Emilia philosophy inspires the child’s curiosity, and this inspires the teachers to offer personalized attention. As the saying goes, “tell me, and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me, and I learn.