
Choose the Options That You need for the Best Wealth Increase


According to a study by the association for the defense of consumers CLCV, the majority of co-owners criticize their property manager for their bad practices: unfair terms, excessive prices, difficulties or even absence of dialogue with union councils. So many grievances that may incite co-owners to look elsewhere. “Putting your property manager up for competition is worth it, because the regular increase in their fees, from 3 to 7% per year, is far from always justified. You can Read these reviews and come up with the best solutions now.

The Additional Options

In addition, the old contracts automatically renewed are no longer necessarily adapted to legislation that has evolved quickly. “Change can therefore be beneficial. And represent savings of 3 to 4% just on the amount of fees or from a few hundred to several thousand euros per year depending on the size of the co-ownership.

How to proceed?

Unless the trustee is revoked during his term of office for a legitimate and serious reason, it is necessary to wait until the last year of his contract. While soliciting new trustees from the month preceding the last closing of the accounts. Once the new contract has been chosen, it remains to be placed on the agenda of the general meeting. And to work so that the majority of co-owners vote in favor of the change.

Weigh on the choice of service providers for the work in your condominium and achieve savings of up to 10%

Trustees often have a free hand in choosing the companies to carry out the work. According to article 21 of the law of July 10, 1965, the general assembly must fix an amount of work above which the trustee must proceed to a call for competition. Below this threshold, there is no need to request a quote, but above, a single quote – negotiated by the trustee with the service provider is often offered. As a result, companies do not moderate their prices. For better control, two measures are necessary.


Ask that all quotes be validated by the union council, by submitting this clause to the general assembly. “The provision may also provide for authorizing the board to propose new providers”,says Claude Pouey, head of the ARC observatory. Then, make sure that the principle of presenting at least three quotes for each intervention is really applied, and this, for all the work. These decisions are difficult to pass on to the trustees, except in the presence of a voluntary and trained union council. But which are worth being imposed, generating on average 10% savings. Better still, this very pugnacious president of a union council of a co-ownership of fifty lots managed to divide by three the amount of refreshment work by negotiating directly with the companies.

Kallen Kazz
the authorKallen Kazz